Saturday, June 27, 2009

Unlock Linksys SPA-2102 with Live CD

Important Information - Read First
  2. You assume all risk associated with running the LiveCD. Any damage to persons, property, or data are the sole responsibility of the user. By downloading and running the CD, you acknowledge and accept these risks and hold the author(s) of the various programs, scripts, and methods harmless for any and all damages. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not download or use the LiveCD.
Semi-Automated Unlocking of the SPA-2102 is now possible by using a custom Live CD. The Live CD handles much of the work involved in preparing your system to unlock the SPA, although some manual steps are still required.

  1. Download the Live CD here (MD5: 4bfdf4d238d0405305e874a8ada53e1a). This will redirect to for more reliable downloads.
  2. Burn the ISO image to CD
  3. To run the LiveCD, you will need:

    • PC or Intel MAC with a CD-ROM
    • An ethernet cable, switch, or hub
    • A locked SPA2102-r

  4. Reboot your computer using the LiveCD.
  5. Follow the directions and prompts as they are presented to you.
  6. None of the pauses should last for more than five minutes. If they last that long, it is because your network connection to the SPA2102 is bad. Try a different cable(s) or a crossover cable and restart the CD.
  7. The username and password for web administration will be set to admin' and qwe%zxc5 , respectively.
  8. The URL to access the web interface, from the ETHERNET port, after unlocking the device will usually be If this does not work, try connecting the device to your switch or router using the INTERNET port - it will acquire an IP address from your router and accept connections to the web interface on that address. To determine what IP address it acquired, please reference the product manuals or literature for your specific router/switch/gateway.

Your device is now unlocked! You can now take it to another provider.


How to Remove SunRocket's Configuration from Your LinkSys ATA

This file will get rid of all the Sunrocket customizations to your Linksys ATA so you can take it with you to another provider .

  1. From a web browser, go to http:///admin/voice/advanced (replacing, of course, with the IP address you use to access the web interface of your Linksys).
  2. Clear the "Restricted Access Domains" field.
  3. Go to http:///admin/resync? (replacing, of course, with the IP address you use to access the web interface of your Linksys).
Your Sunrocket configs are now deleted.

Unlocking Gizmo Linksys SPA2102 to work with ViaTalk

As promised, here are the directions to unlocking your gizmo(Lynksys SPA-2102 VOIP Router) to work on ViaTalk's servers.

Step 1: Enable web access (perform functions on home phone)
1. dial ****
2. dial 723646#
3. dial 78778839#
4. dial 1#
5. dial 1 to save

Step 2: Remove access restrictions
1. Go to
2. Enter admin for user and 7UprUtew for password
3. Click on system. Delete the contents of Restricted Access Domain so that it is blank.
4. Hit Submit all changes.

Step 3: Load updated firmware
1. Go to (or from Linksys support) and download to desktop
2. Right click on zip file, extract here.
3. Double click on upg-spa2102-5-1-9.exe
4. Enter for IP hit ok
5. Enter password 7UprUtew hit ok
6. Router stats are displayed, hit upgrade.
7. Hit ok to close utility.

Step 4: Configure Gizmo
1. Go to
2. Enter admin for user and 7UprUtew for password
3. Click on Line1.
4. Change proxy to the server name provided by viatalk.
5. Change outbound proxy to the server name provided by viatalk.
6. Change display name to whatever you wish.
7. Change password to the password that was provided by viatalk.
8. Set use auth id to yes, and set the auth ID text field to your phone number.
9. Set user id to your new viatalk phone number. Don't forget the '1' at the beginning.
10. Click submit all changes to save your settings.
11. Click on provisioning.
12. Delete the contents of both profile rule and upgrade rule so they are blank.
13. Click submit all changes to save your settings.
14. Click on Router.
15. Click on WAN Setup.
16. Change primary ntp server to pick a different time server from
17. Change secondary ntp server to (or pick a different time server from
18. Click submit all changes to save your settings.

All done. You should see your phone settings light up.
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